Təlimin başlama tarixi: 14.11.2022
Təlimin bitmə tarixi: 23.11.2022
Həftənin günləri: 1,3,5
Təlimin başlama saatı: 14:00-17:00
Kimlər üçün nəzərdə tutulub:
Proqramın qısa məzmunu:
Təqdimat və ilkin test
Module 1. Introduction to Microsoft Project
Module 2. A Quick and Easy Overview of Managing with Project
Module 3. Setting Up a Project
Module 4. Manually Schedule vs. Auto Schedule
Module 5. Creating a Work Breakdown Structure
Module 6. Identifying Task Relationships
Module 7. Defining Resources within Project
Module 8. Making Work Package Estimates
Module 9. Creating an Initial Schedule
Module 10. Create a Resource Levelled Schedule
Module 11. Managing the Project
Module 12. Formatting Output and Printing Reports
Module 13. Managing Multiple Projects
Module 14. Summary
Yekun test
Kursun sonunda dinləyicilər aşağıdakıları biləcəklər:
Understand the discipline of project management as it applies to using Microsoft Project 2013 · Create a Work Breakdown Structure · Identify Task Types & Relationships · Define Resources within Project · Make Work Package Estimates · Create an Initial Schedule · Create a Resource Leveled Schedule · Create Projects from templates, Excel files · Create Global templates · Create formulas and graphical indicators · The steps to record a macro · Format Output and Print Reports · Integrate Multiple Projects · Set up a Project with a Calendar, Start date, and scheduling method · Understand Manually Schedule vs. Auto Schedule · Manage multiple projects · Be able to create a master project list with shared resources
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